Author: Chip Cooper, Esq.
What is Digital Marketing Compliance for eCommerce and Digital Marketers?
Digital marketing compliance refers to the practice of creating digital marketing or digital advertising campaigns consistent with best practices that comply with legal and regulatory requirements for the protection of consumers.
Digital marketing compliance includes accountability guidelines for the actions and messaging of downstream marketing partners, affiliates, and influencers.
"Digital marketing doesn't have to be High-Risk. You can be both compliant and competitive while eliminating unintended compliance risks.
Table of Contents
Net Impression: Really the Most Important Thing for Digital Marketing Compliance?
The FTC Cracks Down on "Dark Patterns" with Subscription Marketing for Digital Marketing Compliance
Advertising Context: Really the 2nd Most Important Thing with Advertising Claims for Digital Marketing Compliance?
Fundamental Advertising Principles for Digital Marketing Compliance: Substantiation & Reasonable Basis
What is a "Typicality" Advertising Claim in Digital Marketing Compliance?
The Beer Wars Continue With Comparative Ads for Digital Marketing Compliance
The 3 Steps You Need to Follow for Substantiation of Your Ad Claims for Digital Marketing Compliance
What Are the 6 Elements for Net Impression of Your Digital Marketing Claims?
Avoid The Digital Marketing Compliance Risks of Making Typicality Claims
The FTC is Now Requiring Money-Making Opportunity Sellers to Track Customer Results for Digital Marketing Compliance
ChatGPT: Who Owns Your Digital Marketing Content?
ChatGPT Can Get You Into Trouble with Digital Marketing Compliance!
Can Emojis Be Advertising Claims, Or Are Emojis Always Viewed as Merely Puffery in Advertising?
FTC Announces New Enforcement Requirement for Supplement Marketers for Digital Marketing Compliance
Are You Required to Use a Checkbox for Subscription Signups?
Another "Unqualified Performance Claim" Bites the Dust
Online Retailer Boohoo Rocked with $197 Million Class Action Settlement for Pricing Fraud
The Updated Green Guides Will Address Consumer Perceptions That Require Legal Substantiation for Digital Marketing Compliance
NAD Finds “Net Zero” Aspirational Claims Not Substantiated
Claims of "Made In USA" Are Now A Top Enforcement Priority For The FTC
What is the "Reasonable Consumer Standard" for Digital Marketing Compliance?
Hiding Material Disclosures Behind Links Now Attracting FTC Enforcement Actions
Can a Qualified “Made in USA” Claim Save Your Business?
"Different Twist” on Deceptive Reference Pricing Results in Class Action Lawsuit
Does Your Context “Blur” Your Ad Claims?
Bountiful To Pay $600,000 In Monetary Relief In First FTC Case Against "Review Hijacking"
Does "Just Fruit" Mean That Product Shouldn't Have Fruit-Based Sweeteners
The FTC Settle's Claim That Endorsers Weren't Users
How BBB’s NAD Can Alert the FTC Regarding Your Advertising
Is The California Subscription Statute More Strict Than The FTC's Approach?
Is Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey a "Whiskey"?
Deceptive Money-Making Scheme Goes Further Than Merely Earnings Claims
The FTC Warns Marketers Regarding ChatGPT & Generative AI