Trade Associations Get FTC Civil Penalty Notices for Influencers
Trade Associations Get FTC Notices for Influencers
Trade Associations Get FTC Notices for Influencers
You can get into serious legal trouble with puffery advertising if it crosses the fine line between puffery and false advertising. This article will provide a general formula for writing puffery advertising that's legal... to help you avoid a costly lawsuit for false advertising. We'll cover basic puffey guidelines for how to develop a working knowledge of the fine line between puffery and false advertising, with specific examples of puffery in advertising, including video.
What we’ll cover: 1. FTC, State Advertising Laws, and NAD’s roles with digital advertising claims; 2. What are advertising claims; 3. What are deceptive advertising claims; 4. What is required for FTC substantiation for advertising claims; 5. 2 examples of advertising claims tactics you can use now; and 6. Top 10 FTC compliance guidelines for advertising claims.
DOJ Issues “Guidance”, Not Regulations On March 18, 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued guidance for the first time for website accessibility under Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The guidance comes almost 12 years after the DOJ first proposed to issu...
January 25, 2022: FTC Announces Fashion Nova Settlement The FTC broke new ground by announcing a settlement with Fashion Nova LLC based on Section 5(a) if the FTC Act which prohibits “unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce”. The new ground was that for the first time, the ...
The Subscription (Recurring Revenue) Model Back in the day, subscriptions were generally limited to magazines or newspapers.Today, the subscription (recurring revenue) model has exploded in the online space. The explosion has been good for online business, but now regulations are evolving at an u...
Need help? Or a little Q&A to see if we’re a good fit? Book a call below and let’s chat. You'll be working directly with me, not another attorney. I help eCommerce and digital marketers with Internet marketing and advertising compliance so they can be compliant and competitive in a hyper-regulated digital marketplace.
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